Implant Repair For Your Unique Smile

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Senior Smile Overland Park KS

The loss of a tooth can be an overwhelming experience, so if your dentist has recommended the extraction of one or more of your natural teeth, be sure to ask questions about what come next. You have options in your prosthodontic replacement solution, including the use of a biocompatible dental implant. This technique uses a scientifically advanced method to bring you a new prosthetic tooth that is designed to last.

With our team in Overland Park and Prairie Village, KS, you can feel secure with the help of a dental implant to renew your smile after tooth loss. Whether you are in need of a single tooth replacement or a full set of implant-supported dentures, we are here to help you to find a solution that works for you. Schedule your appointment for a consultation today and be sure to ask all of your questions about how a biocompatible dental implant can help you to regain confidence in your smile. Take some time to learn about all of the advantages of prosthodontic repair!

Dental Implants Gain Their Strength With A Strong Connection To Your Jaw

When you think about dental implants, you probably focus on the visible new prosthetic tooth. There is more to your solution than the areas that you can see, however. This form of prosthodontic repair relies upon an unparalleled connection between the bone of your jaw and a threaded titanium post.

Through an amazing biochemical mechanism known as osseointegration, your immune system recognizes this metal as if it were a part of your own natural body. As you heal around the post, your bone will grow snugly within the threads in the metal, creating a strong bond. After your short period of recovery, your provider will attach a gorgeous new tooth to the post!

Prepare For Future Loss With A Biocompatible Dental Implant

For some people, the first instance of tooth loss is just one step in a larger concern. If you are experiencing loss as a result of injury or age-related conditions, a new dental implant can help you to transition into a more extensive prosthetic solution. From one single tooth to a full mouth of implant-retained dentures, you have the opportunity to retain your bite function even while losing natural teeth. This means that you can have a greater ability to age with grace and avoid the messy adhesives associated with traditional dentures!

Learn More About Dental Implants With Dr. Dexter, DDS

For more information on how a biocompatible dental implant solution can help you, reach out to our team! Ask all of your questions or schedule an appointment with a call to your Overland Park and Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist, Dr. Stuart Dexter, DDS at (913)362-8200.