Why It’s Important to Deal with Bruxism

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If you have bruxism, or chronic teeth-grinding, then the problem may not be an obvious one at first. You might notice that you grind your teeth sometimes during the day, but fail to realize how often it occurs at night, or at times when you don’t realize it during the day. The problem with bruxism is that, because you don’t always know when you grind your teeth, you can’t stop yourself or control how forcefully your teeth grind together. This can lead to a host of concerns with the health and integrity of your teeth in the long run, making it even more important to address bruxism as soon as possible.

The problem with teeth-grinding and bruxism

Teeth grinding doesn’t always indicate a case of bruxism. For some people, it’s just a nervous habit or a reaction to stress or pain. However, if it is an indication of bruxism, this not only means that it happens consistently, but also that it’s the cause of another underlying oral health concern. For some people, chronic teeth-grinding may be a symptom of an imbalance in their tooth alignment or other oral structures. If you have TMJ disorder, then bruxism may be a contributing factor or a symptom of the bite dysfunction.

When you don’t deal with it right away

Because bruxism is typically related to one or multiple underlying concerns, it’s important to diagnose, understand, and address a bruxism problem as soon as possible. If it isn’t severe, this may involve wearing a custom-designed bruxism appliance that helps stop your teeth from grinding together while you sleep. This is especially helpful if you suffer from nighttime bruxism specifically, which means your teeth-grinding is most active when you sleep at night. A custom-made appliance can help you avoid some of the more serious consequences of unchecked bruxism, including extensive wear and damage to your teeth that could require more extensive treatment to restore.

How to help your smile recover from bruxism

When bruxism is given enough time, it can lead to various forms of wear and damage to your teeth. For example, the constant grinding can wear down your teeth’s chewing surfaces, which can make it difficult and uncomfortable to properly bite and chew your food. This can also make your teeth weaker and more likely to crack or break, which could lead to a need for restorative treatment such as one or more dental crowns to restore their strength and integrity.

Learn if you can benefit from bruxism treatment

If you suffer from a bruxism problem, then it’s important to seek treatment before you experience more extensive wear or damage to your teeth. To learn more, schedule a consultation with us by calling the office of Dr. Stuart Dexter in Prairie Village, KS, today at 913-362-8200.