The good news for most people who haven’t experienced tooth loss is that there’s still a good chance to prevent it from ever occurring. Though it can often seem like losing adult teeth is just a natural part of aging, it isn’t, and more often than not, it results from a problem that could have been prevented or treated before it occurred. Today, we examine a few ways you can improve your chances of avoiding tooth loss by keeping your smile consistently healthy and addressing any problems that might become tooth loss risk factors in the future.
Keep your smile consistently healthy
Keeping your smile consistently healthy is the most important tip for preventing any oral health concern from developing. This means consistently sticking to good dental hygiene practices, including brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once every day. Yet, it also includes being mindful of things that threaten your teeth and oral health throughout the day, such as limiting the amount of sugar you expose your teeth to each day. Many of the problems that lead to tooth loss, such as severe periodontal disease (or gum disease), can develop quietly when you aren’t diligent about keeping up with good dental hygiene.
Address any existing concerns
Preventing oral health concerns from developing is an important goal in your hygiene and dental health care routines. Yet, a good hygiene schedule isn’t a guarantee that you’ll never develop tooth decay or gum disease, have a tooth become damaged, or need treatment to address any other concern with your oral health. If your dentist detects signs of trouble during your routine dental exam and cleaning appointment, or if you start to develop symptoms such as a chronic toothache, then it’s important to see your dentist to address the issue as soon as possible.
Maintain your bite’s proper function
With prompt, appropriate treatment, your dentist can help you successfully address concerns like tooth decay or damage, gum disease, and more. However, if you experience an issue with your bite’s function, then the signs and treatment for it may not be as straightforward. If you develop bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding), TMJ disorder, or another form of bite dysfunction, then it can lead to damaged or compromised teeth down the road. In addition to alleviating the discomfort of a bite dysfunction, addressing it with appropriate treatment will also help you avoid any subsequent damage to your teeth that could result from it.
Learn how to lower your risks of tooth loss
With these few steps, you have a greater chance of reducing your risks of experiencing tooth loss. To learn more, schedule a consultation with us by calling the office of Dr. Stuart Dexter in Prairie Village, KS, today at 913-362-8200.