The thing about toothaches is that the reason why they occur isn’t always obvious. The fact that your tooth hurts may not be something you can ignore, but if the sensitivity is minor, it can be easy to overlook as something you don’t have to worry about, or that will disappear on its own. Unfortunately, most of the many different reasons that could potentially cause your tooth to hurt are things that could also mean significant trouble for your oral health if they’re ignored long enough. Today, we examine just a few of these concerns, and why it’s important to take your toothache seriously every time.
The progressive decaying of your tooth
By the time many people reach their middle ages, they’ve already had to deal with a cavity at in at least one of their teeth. Cavities are common because the reason they form (a condition know as tooth decay) is a natural result of excessive oral bacteria on your teeth. The fact that they’re so common, and that they’re typically treated in their minor stages, can belie the danger that cavities can actually pose to your teeth. The cavity, or hole, won’t heal on its own, the structure you lose to the decay will be permanently gone, and the destruction of your tooth will grow worse until you treat your cavity.
Structural damage to your tooth
Tooth decay is a threat because it erodes your tooth structure, which is also why it causes your tooth to hurt. However, your tooth structure can also be compromised in a way that makes your toothache if it’s directly damaged or worn down. A worn-down or chipped tooth is another type of problem that doesn’t always seem severe at first. Yet, they can also grow worse the more the tooth is exposed to pressure and friction from your bite. The discomfort associated with tooth damage varies with the extent of damage to the tooth, and it can grow increasingly more severe as your tooth suffers increasingly more damage.
A loss of protection around your tooth’s root
Your teeth roots rest within sockets in your jawbone and are covered by periodontal tissues (gums) up to the point that the root turns into the tooth’s crown. Above this point, the crown is protected by a highly resilient level of enamel, which stops the tooth’s crown from feeling any sensitivity. However, your teeth’s roots are not covered by enamel, and they rely heavily on the health and integrity of your gums for protection. If your teeth roots become sensitive, it may mean that they’re being exposed due to the recession of your gum tissues, which can be a common warning sign that gum disease has developed.
Learn if your toothache is serious
There are many potential reasons behind the development of a toothache, and over time, almost all of them can become serious. To learn more, schedule a consultation with us by calling the office of Dr. Stuart Dexter in Prairie Village, KS, today at 913-362-8200.