It goes without saying that advances in dental technology have benefitted the community greatly. Indeed, these advances have made higher-quality treatment possible for a fraction of the price. For example, bone grafting can be used to strengthen a person’s jaw bone prior to receiving dental implants, and so on and so forth. The same can be said regarding teeth-grinding, and acting sooner in this situation is better than waiting on treatment. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist takes a look at what your options may be for treating bruxism, as well as discusses how this phenomenon can impact your oral health.
Why Teeth-Grinding is Problematic
While snoring may seem like a common phenomenon, the truth of the matter is that it is an indicator of a potential sleep disorder or concern. The same can be said of teeth-grinding, as it often occurs due to the body’s inability to regulate breathing properly. Indeed, just as snoring occurs when the airway is blocked, teeth-grinding can be a natural response of the body attempting to regulate breathing by opening the airway. You see, clenching one’s teeth and moving the lower mandible from side to side tightens the muscles in the throat, allowing the airway to widen and allow more oxygen to pass through.
Another factor that may contribute to bruxism is if you are experiencing heightened levels of stress or anxiety. This process can lead to unconscious teeth clenching and tension in the jaw overall. Regardless of the cause, however, it is important to recognize the dangers of untreated bruxism. To learn more about this process and what steps you can take to better address sleep issues, give our team a call today.
The Impact on Your Health
Not only does chronic teeth grinding lead to tension and a sore jaw, but it impacts your oral health as well. For instance, clenching and rubbing your structures together wears down your protective layer of enamel, exposing your structures to an even greater chance of infection. Additionally, the constant tension causes your oral structures to become more brittle and chip or crack easier as well. As such, it is imperative you seek maxillofacial treatment sooner rather than later. Contact our office today to learn more.
Developing Dangerous Jaw Dysfunction
Without proper care, your chronic bruxism concern can develop into an even bigger issue known as TMJ disorder. This phenomenon occurs when the lower jaw becomes misaligned with either one or both of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) at which it hinges to the cranium. The process leads to a consistent and painful popping in the jaw as it attempts to correct the issue, and you can face significant tissue damage in addition to functional complications.
Learn More Today
Contact Dr. Stuart Dexter, Prosthodontist in Prairie Village, KS by calling 913-362-8200 to schedule your net appointment with our team, and learn more about the importance of treating TMJ disorder and chronic bruxism.